The body of light, sometimes called the ‘astral body’ or the ‘augoeides’ (‘radiant body’), conceptually derives from the philosophy of Plato: the word ‘astral’ means ‘of the stars’; thus the astral plane consists of the Seven Heavens of the classical planets. The idea is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the soul’s journey or “ascent” is described in such terms as “an ecstatic, mystical or out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in their body of light into ‘higher’ realms.”

The magician’s most important invocation is that of [their] Genius, Daemon, True Will, or Augoeides. This operation is traditionally known as attaining the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. It is sometimes known as the Magnum Opus or Great Work.

The Augoeides may be defined as the most perfect vehicle of Kia on the plane of duality. As the avatar of Kia on earth, the Augoeides represents the true will, the raison d’etre of the magician, his purpose in existing. The discovery of one’s true will or real nature may be difficult and fraught with danger, since a false identification leads to obsession and madness. – Liber LVX

Keeping a close eye on the walls of the labyrinth, the conditions of his existence, the magician may then begin his invocation. The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within.